What Happened to Hannah's Beach Resort in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte?

Hannah's Beach Resort in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, once stood as a beacon of luxury, relaxation, and breathtaking scenery. Founded by retired Philippine Air Force Colonel Ricardo L. Nolasco, Jr., the resort helped transform the sleepy coastal town of Pagudpud into a thriving tourist destination. Offering top-tier accommodations, stunning views, and a variety of activities, Hannah's Beach Resort was a magnet for both local and international tourists. However, in recent years, the resort has faced a series of challenges that have led to its decline and eventual closure. This article will explore the history of Hannah's Beach Resort, its rise to prominence, the key events that contributed to its downfall, and its uncertain future.

The Rise of Hannah's Beach Resort

The Visionary Behind the Resort: Colonel Ricardo L. Nolasco, Jr.

Hannah's Beach Resort owes much of its success to the vision and leadership of its founder, Colonel Ricardo L. Nolasco, Jr. A retired officer of the Philippine Air Force, Col. Nolasco sought to create a resort that would not only attract tourists but also elevate the profile of Pagudpud as a must-visit destination in the northern Philippines. Known for his passion and entrepreneurial spirit, Col. Nolasco transformed the once-quiet Blue Lagoon area into a bustling tourist hotspot.

Under his leadership, Hannah's Beach Resort became known for its blend of luxury and natural beauty. The resort offered a range of accommodations, from budget-friendly rooms to opulent villas, all while providing guests with stunning views of the South China Sea. In addition to its accommodations, the resort featured numerous amenities, including swimming pools, restaurants, and one of its most popular attractions—the longest over-water zipline in the world at the time. Col. Nolasco's commitment to excellence and his desire to create a unique destination set Hannah's Beach Resort apart from its competitors.

Transforming Pagudpud's Tourism Industry

Before the establishment of Hannah's Beach Resort, Pagudpud was relatively unknown to tourists. The town, located in the northernmost part of Luzon, was characterized by its unspoiled beaches, tranquil atmosphere, and rural charm. However, it lacked the infrastructure and facilities needed to accommodate large numbers of visitors. Col. Nolasco's resort changed that.

Hannah's Beach Resort played a key role in transforming Pagudpud into a major tourist destination. The resort not only attracted tourists but also helped boost the local economy by providing jobs and supporting small businesses. Local residents found employment at the resort in roles ranging from housekeeping and food service to maintenance and water sports management. Additionally, the influx of visitors to the area led to the growth of other tourism-related businesses, including souvenir shops, restaurants, and transportation services. Pagudpud, once a hidden gem, quickly became known as the "Boracay of the North."

The Decline of Hannah's Beach Resort

Despite its early success, Hannah's Beach Resort faced significant challenges in the years following its rise to prominence. The combination of legal issues, management changes, and the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic ultimately led to the resort's decline and eventual closure.

The 2018 DENR Demolition Order

One of the first major setbacks for Hannah's Beach Resort occurred in 2018 when the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) issued a demolition order for several illegal structures in Pagudpud. The DENR, which is responsible for enforcing environmental laws and regulations in the Philippines, identified numerous violations related to the construction of buildings and other facilities in the area, including parts of Hannah's Beach Resort.

The DENR's decision to order the demolition of these structures was part of a broader effort to protect the environment and preserve Pagudpud's natural beauty. Over the years, the rapid development of tourism in the region had raised concerns about environmental degradation, particularly with regard to coastal erosion, deforestation, and pollution. The construction of buildings too close to the shoreline and in environmentally sensitive areas had become a major issue, prompting the DENR to take action.

For Hannah's Beach Resort, the demolition order marked a turning point. The loss of several key structures not only impacted the resort's operations but also tarnished its reputation. The resort, which had once been seen as a symbol of luxury and development, now found itself at the center of controversy over its environmental practices.

The Passing of Col. Nolasco

The challenges faced by Hannah's Beach Resort in 2018 were further compounded by the untimely passing of its founder, Col. Ricardo L. Nolasco, Jr. In July 2018, Col. Nolasco at the age of 67 underwent heart surgery but unfortunately passed away during recovery. His death was a significant blow to the resort, as he had been the driving force behind its success.

Col. Nolasco's visionary leadership, dedication to excellence, and hands-on approach were instrumental in shaping the resort's identity and growth. With his passing, the resort lost its guiding figure, and it struggled to find direction in the aftermath. The leadership vacuum left by Col. Nolasco's death created uncertainty about the future of the resort, and its operations began to suffer as a result.

Changes in Management and Operational Struggles

Following the death of Col. Nolasco, Hannah's Beach Resort underwent changes in management. While the new leadership sought to continue the resort's legacy, they faced numerous challenges, including the fallout from the DENR's demolition order and the growing competition in the region.

By 2019, the resort was struggling to maintain its previous levels of success. Tourists, who had once flocked to Hannah's Beach Resort, began seeking alternative destinations in Pagudpud and other parts of Ilocos Norte. The environmental concerns surrounding the resort, coupled with the absence of its charismatic founder, led to a decline in its reputation. While efforts were made to revitalize the resort, they were not enough to restore it to its former glory.

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Closure of the Resort

In 2020, the global tourism industry was brought to a standstill by the COVID-19 pandemic. Travel restrictions, lockdowns, and public health concerns caused a dramatic decline in tourist arrivals, and many resorts, including Hannah's Beach Resort, were forced to temporarily close their doors.

For Hannah's Beach Resort, the pandemic represented a critical juncture. The resort, which had already been struggling with management changes and environmental issues, found itself in an even more precarious position. Like many other businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector, the resort faced significant financial losses as a result of the pandemic. The lack of tourists meant that there was no revenue to support its operations, and the resort was unable to sustain itself during the prolonged closures.

As of March 2020, updates from the resort's management ceased, and Hannah's Beach Resort has remained closed since then. The once-thriving resort, which had been a symbol of luxury and leisure in Pagudpud, now stands silent, its future uncertain. The pandemic not only disrupted the resort's operations but also left lasting scars on the tourism industry in Pagudpud and the broader Ilocos Norte region.

The Legacy of Col. Nolasco and the Resort's Impact on Pagudpud

Despite its decline, the legacy of Col. Nolasco and Hannah's Beach Resort remains a lasting mark on Pagudpud's history. Col. Nolasco's vision and determination transformed the once-quiet town into a major tourist destination, and the resort played a pivotal role in putting Pagudpud on the map for travelers. The economic contributions of the resort, particularly in terms of job creation and support for local businesses, helped fuel the growth of the town's tourism industry.

In addition, the resort's focus on offering a wide range of activities and experiences, from ziplining to water sports, set a new standard for tourism in the region. Even as the resort faces an uncertain future, its influence on Pagudpud's tourism industry is undeniable.

The Uncertain Future of Hannah's Beach Resort

As of 2024, Hannah's Beach Resort remains closed, and its future is unclear. There have been no official announcements regarding its reopening, and the resort's management has remained silent since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenges faced by the resort, including the environmental issues raised by the DENR, the leadership changes following Col. Nolasco's passing, and the impact of the pandemic, have left the resort in a state of limbo.

The question of whether Hannah's Beach Resort will ever reopen is a complex one. While the resort has the potential to bounce back, doing so would require addressing the underlying issues that contributed to its decline. This includes resolving the environmental concerns raised by the DENR, rebuilding its reputation, and adapting to the new realities of the post-pandemic tourism landscape.

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on sustainable tourism, with travelers becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their vacations. If Hannah's Beach Resort were to reopen, it would need to prioritize sustainability and adopt more eco-friendly practices to appeal to this new wave of tourists. Additionally, rebuilding trust with the local community and addressing the legacy of land disputes and environmental degradation would be essential steps in restoring the resort's standing.


Hannah's Beach Resort in Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, was once a symbol of luxury, natural beauty, and adventure. Founded by Col. Ricardo L. Nolasco, Jr., the resort played a key role in transforming Pagudpud into a thriving tourist destination, boosting the local economy and attracting visitors from around the world. However, a series of challenges, including environmental concerns, the passing of its founder, management struggles, and the COVID-19 pandemic, ultimately led to the resort's decline and closure.

As of now, the future of Hannah's Beach Resort remains uncertain. Whether it will reopen and reclaim its place as a premier tourist destination in the Philippines is yet to be seen. What is clear, however, is that the legacy of the resort and its impact on Pagudpud will be remembered for years to come. For now, Hannah's Beach Resort stands as a reminder of both the potential and the fragility of the tourism industry in the face of environmental, economic, and global challenges.


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